W h i t b e c k N o t e s
Kashan Beauty (in progress)
24" x 36" oil on panel
Welcome to the Fall 2018 Whitbeck Notes
What a busy season it has been, filled with traveling, show setup's, doing shows, traveling home and painting and then repeating. We had many early morning setup's in the dark, as well as a few shows running to late at night. The 2018 art show season had been very successful and I have no complaints, but it is always nice to finish with that final show of the year and settle back down into the studio.
The last couple of months have found me working on a number of paintings which had been commissioned at shows during the summer. I have enjoyed the commission process for years; the back and forth between artist and patron, their ideas, my ideas, sketches and photos sent, updated photos of the painting as it progresses along its way, a collaboration to create. I found it a great way to come up with a finished painting that not only shows the painting skills of the artist, but also the creative thoughts and ideas of the patron, so that in the end, in a way, it is a piece that will hang on their wall and have been created by both artist and patron, and so have an added special meaning. Click here to view the commissions page on my website for a more detailed description of the process.

Lace and China (in progress)
12" x 16" oil on panel
Over the coming fall and winter seasons I plan on working with a few large canvases in the studio in addition to some smaller sizes. It is at this point when I have a good block of time to settle down and focus on such large ideas, being able to put the needed focus in all the details that a grand composition demands. I plan on a couple large floral's being completed as well as my other still life subjects.
The best way to see the new work is to visit my website www.jameswhitbeck.com, as I post finished paintings as soon as I am able to photograph them. Another way is to follow me on Facebook or on Instagram where I usually post various stages of a painting on the easel as it progresses along. Some find this interesting as it shows the early stages from loose sketch all the way up to those final highlights.
Floral in progress in the studio
You can find previous Whitbeck Notes on my website or by clicking here. Also, keep a eye on the Art Show's page of my website to view the upcoming 2019 artshow schedule. I will be posting new shows with their websites as the winter progresses. I do plan on another Florida tour next year, as well as another western tour. March is a good time to get out of New England for a while, and I love the thrill of the Colorado mountains in the summer! But that is all far off and it is just yet fall, so back to my warm studio I go to sit before my easel and paint the winter months away.
All my best,
James Whitbeck